Books of the category "Repertoire"
- Concerning the flute1984.
- Die Einflüsse einzelner Interpreten und Komponisten des 18. Jahrhunderts auf das Musikleben ihrer ZeitVIII. Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstagung Blankenburg/Harz, 27.-29. Juni 19801980.
- Flöte aktuell
- Verband deutscher Musikschulen e.V. - Lehrplan QuerflöteRegensburg: Gustav Bosse Verlag,1991.
- Flöteninstrumente und ihre Baugeschichte - Spielpraxis - Komponisten und ihre Werke - Interpreten couch1. edition Laaber: Laaber-Verlag,2009. - ISBN: 978-3-89007-545-7
- 1. edition Frankfurt: Zimmermann,1991. - ISBN: 3-921 729-44-0
- Busch-Salmen, Gabriele: Handbuch QuerflöteInstrument - Lehrwerke - Aufführungspraxis - Musik - Ausbildung - BerufKassel: Bärenreiter,1999. - ISBN: 3-7618-1344-9
- Fitzgibbon, Henry Macaulay: The Story of the fluteA facsimile reprint of the 1915 EditionWildhern Press,2009. - ISBN: 978-1-84830-180-1
- Geuting, Matthias: Konzert und Sonate bei Johann Sebastian BachKassel: Bärenreiter,2006. - ISBN: 3-7618-1760-6
- Grundregeln zur MelodiegestaltungMainz: Schott Verlag,1996. - ISBN: M-001-08465-9
- The instrument - the performer - the music9. edition Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press,- ISBN: 0-89672-285-6A very beautiful edition, including all addendi and an index. After reading only a few pages you already feel, that this was written by someone who loves flutes. After a short history of the flute and a description of different members of the flute family, there is a collection of all kinds of findings bearing reference to the flute some how (newspaper clippings, ethnology, about anything you can think of).Written in a chattily style, more entertaining than teaching. Quite exhilarant. As part of the more than 160 pages of elaborate biographies the author sometimes gives his own impression of the flutists he heard himself or reports of contemporaries. In the short biographies are many contemporaries of him included, which are no longer known today. Especially their publications are interesting.The chapter on flute music is full of interesting composers and works by composers from the first half of the twentieth century in America. Those are no longer known in Germany today.
- Mayer, Clara: KOM - Komponistinnen im MusikverlagKatalog lieferbarer Musikalien1996. - ISBN: 3-927327-29-8List of music written by women. The book is already twenty years old and thus no more complete. For flutists there is not much to be found.
- 4. edition Alfred Publishing Co.,2009. - ISBN: 0-931200-69-5Elaborate register of repertoire for the flute. On the first level sorted by instrumentation, the bigger groups are further detailed by the level of difficulty. Additional chapters describe the sources of the register, the editors and editions and an index of composers. an extended description of the book in German is to be found in the Blog.
- Pesek, Ursula: Flötenmusik aus drei JahrhundertenKomponisten - Werke - AnregungenKassel: Bärenreiter,1989. - ISBN: 3-7618-0985-9
- Pierreuse, Bernard: Flute Literature1980. - ISBN: 2-85 894-000-2
- 1. edition Mainz: Schott Verlag,1981.
- Stein, Franz A.: Verzeichnis der Kammermusikwerke von 1650 bis zur GegenwartBand 360Dalp Taschenbücher,1962.
- van den Hoogen, Eckhardt: ABC der klassischen MusikDie großen Komponisten und ihre WerkeFrankfurt: Eichborn Verlag,2002. - ISBN: 3-8218-3961-9
- Vester, Frans: De FluitHilversum: J. J. Lispet,1946.
- 1985. - ISBN: 2-9500646-0-4