Instrumentations with vocals
The name of the composer is linked to the associated biography. On the right side there are icons
which link to a shop for sheet music,
, the cd symbol links to
jpc, which enables to listen to many of the works.
Of course, you might also buy a recording there. The little IPod is a link to
Musicload for getting the mp3 for download.
Viens! Une Flute Invisible Soupire
(voice, flute, piano)
Durand S. A. Edition s Musicales, D & F 10662
Rating: mid-grade
- Modere
Ecoute, mon coeur... (G-Dur)
(voice range e'-e'', flute)
Durand S. A. Edition s Musicales, D. & F. 10 728
Rating: mid-grade
Voice and flute without any harmonies - a challenge.
Delibes, Clement Philibert Leo (1836 - 1891)
Le Rossignol (C-Dur)
(voice range g'-h'', flute, piano)
Zimmermann, ZM 11280
Rating: difficult
- Moderato - Allegretto
Gaubert, Philippe (1879 - 1941)
Soir Paien
(voice, flute, piano)
Rating: mid-grade
- Lent
We did not like this very much on the first try.
Giordani, Tommaso (1730 - 1806)
Caro mio ben (Es-Dur)
(voice mezzo soprano or baritone, violin (cello), cello ad. lib., piano)
Robert Lienau Musikverlag, Rl 16840
Rating: easy
- Larghetto
Händel, Georg Friedrich (1685 - 1759)
Largo aus der Oper Xerxes (F-Dur)
(voice, violin (cello (flute)), piano)
Robert Lienau Musikverlag, Rl 18300
Rating: easy
- Largo
Ein Kindermärchen op. 34 (Des-Dur)
(voice, flute, piano)
Eulenburg, GM 117
Rating: mid-grade
- In Bullemanns Haus (Theodor Storm) - leicht bewegt
Flute part and piano score, from which the singer has to read
Mamlok, Ursula (*1923)
Stray Birds
(voice soprano, flute/alto flute/piccolo, cello)
Edition Peters, 67257
Rating: difficult
- In a sustained mood
- Majestic
- Very airy
- In a melancholy mood
- Still, with utmost simplicity
Very complicated.
Trois Chants de Noel
(voice range d'-g'', flute, piano)
Universal Edition, UE 13 486
Rating: mid-grade
- Les Cadeaux (Die Gaben/The gifts)
- Image de Noel (Ein Bild von der Heiligen Nacht/A picture of Christmas)
- Les Bergers (Die Hirten/The Shepherds)
Niehaus, Manfred (1933 - 2013)
Zueignung - auf einen Text von Oskar Pastior
(Gesang Bariton, Altflöte)
nicht verlegt
Bewertung: leicht
Ein sehr originelles Stück, dass wir sehr gerne gespielt haben. Uraufführung auf Manfred Niehaus´ Hauskonzert.
Fantasie über einen deutschen Psalm von Heinz Martin Lonquich
(Gesang ad Lib., Altflöte, Bratsche)
nicht verlegt
Bewertung: leicht
- No. 2 (Psalm 19) Intonation, Thema + 2 Variationen
- No. 1 (Psalm 118) Intonation, Thema + 3 Variationen
- No.3 (Psalm 100)
Pehlken, Thomas (*1970)
So wie ein Baum, gepflanzt am Bach - Kantate für den Buß- und Bettag
(voice soprano, choir, flute, oboe/english horn, 2 violins, viola, cello)
Rating: easy
- Eingang
- Rezitativ I
- Duett
- Rezitativ und Chor
- Gleichnis vom Feigenbaum
- Arie
- Ausgang
The most interesting movement is the Aria No. 6, which can also be played with organ, flute and soprano.
Two Remembrances (a-moll)
(voice range f'-fis'', alto flute, piano)
Chester Music, Ch 61157
Rating: easy
- A Love Song
- Lyric
Very nice. I used to play this with a bariton and we had to transpose it deeper for that.
Deux Poèmes de Ronsard op. 26, No. 1
(voice, flute)
Durand S. A. Edition s Musicales, D. & F. 10590
Rating: mid-grade
- Rossignol, mon mignon.... (Lent)
- Ciel, aer, et vens... (Très modéré)
Stanzl, Frank (*1970)
Memento temporis - Kantate für den Ewigkeitssonntag/Christkönigssonntag (A-Dur)
(voice soprano alternatively tenor, flute, cello, organ)
Wildenloh Verlag, 75a
Rating: difficult
- Gott, Du hast alles schön gemacht
- Deine Zeit geht vorbei
- Und was geschehen wird
Rhythmically demanding, especially as soon as playing together. But so very beautiful!
To be purchased directly from the label.
Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681 - 1767)
Jauchzt. ihr Christen, seid vergnügt (F-Dur)
(voice high voice, violin, piano basso continuo)
Bärenreiter, BA 720
Rating: mid-grade
Cantata for the third holiday of Easter
Ihr Völker, hört (G-Dur)
(voice middle high voice, flute, cello basso continuo, piano basso continuo)
Bärenreiter, BA 387
Rating: mid-grade
- Ihr Völker hört
- Die Finsternis entweicht
- Halleluja! (Vivace)
Very, very beautiful
Cantata for Epiphany
Die Landluft - Kleine Kantate von Wald und Au (E-Dur)
(voice, flute, cello basso continuo, piano basso continuo)
Bärenreiter, BA 1787
Rating: easy
- Arie
- Rezitativ
- Vivace
Last updated 14.07.2020