Title starting with M
- McCutchan, Ann: Marcel MoyseVoice of the FlutePortland, Oregon: Amadeus Press,1994. - ISBN: 0-931340-6803
- A musical Biography1. edition Winzer Press,1993.
- Eine musikalische LebensbeschreibungFrankfurt: Zimmermann,1993. - ISBN: 3-921729 65-3
- Musik - Theater - FilmKöln: DuMont Buchverlag,1970.
- Deckert, Hans Erik: Mensch und Musik2. edition Nova Music,2006. - ISBN: 978-3-941664-48-7Collection of essays of the years 1981 - 2015
- 1984. - ISBN: 3-411-01996-4
- Gruber, Sabine M.: Mit einem Fuß in der FrühlingswieseEin Spaziergang durch Haydns Jahreszeiten mit Sprachbildern von Niklaus HarnoncourtSt. Pölten: Residenz Verlag,2009. - ISBN: 978-3-7017-1517-6Beautiful book with illustrations by Tomek Luczynski. Humorous texts about the Seasons by Haydn, mixed up with citations from the rehearsals of Harnoncourt with the Schönberg choir.
- Edlund, Lars: Modus NovusLehrbuch in freitonaler Melodielesung1963.
- Adorno, Theodor W.: Moments musiceaux1964.
- Toff, Nancy: Monarch of the FluteThe Life of Georges BarrèreOxford: Oxford University Press,2005. - ISBN: 13-978-0-19-517016-0Detailled english biography of french-american flutist Georges Barrere, who was founder of the New York Flute Club and of an american tradition of flutists. There are also lists of all works dedicated to him or premiered by him. Lots of woodwind chamber music. A longer information on this book in German is to be found on the blog.
- Petrat, Nicolai: Motivieren zur MusikGrundlagen und Praxistipps für den erfolgreichen InstrumentalunterrichtRegensburg: Gustav Bosse Verlag,2007. - ISBN: 978-3-7649-2683-0
- Barz, Paul: MozartMünchen: dtv,2005. - ISBN: 3-423-24517-4A novel describing the time during which Mozart wrote the Magic Flute. In his thoughts and conversations his biography is also captured.The book contains also a list of relevant literature, some monochromatic pictures and a timetable of Mozart's live. A more detailed description in German you find in the blog.
- Schrammek, Winfried: Museum MusicumHistorische Musikinstrumente3. edition Edition Peters,1981.
- Shepherd, John: Music and Cultural Theory1997. - ISBN: 0-7456-0863-9
- Nyfenger, Thomas: Music and the fluteEigenverlag,1986.One might get the book from the son of the author. It is held together by spiral binding. The book is written well humoured and a bit philosophical. I enjoy every word.
- Kramer, Lawrende: Musical MeaningToward a Critical HistoryBerkeley: University of California Press,2002. - ISBN: 0-520-23272-0
- Sacks, Oliver: Musicophilia - Tales of Music and the BrainHoundsmills: Picador,2008. - ISBN: 978-0-330-41838-6
- Schreiber, Erika: Musik - Geschenk und AuftragEine AnthologieBerlin: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Berlin,1964.
- Harnoncourt, Nikolaus: Musik als KlangredeMünchen: dtv,1985. - ISBN: 3-423-10500-3
- Roth, Ernst: Musik als Kunst und WareBetrachtungen und Begegnungen eines MusikverlegersZürich: Atlantis Musikbuch Verlag,1966.
- Eggebrecht, Hans Heinrich: Musik im AbendlandProzesse und Stationen vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart couchMünchen: Piper,1991. - ISBN: 3-492-22301-X
- Spitzer, Manfred: Musik im KopfHören, Musizieren, Verstehen und Erleben im neuronalen NetzwerkStuttgart: Friedrich-Karl Schattauer-Verlag,2005. - ISBN: 3794524276I love this topic: music and men. Everything on neurology, physiology and psychology of making or hearing music. The author is a musician himself and the reader can feel his enthusiasm for this topic. A detailled review in German is givenLunacarskij, Anatolij: Musik und Revolution1. edition Stuttgart: Reclam,1985.Eggebrecht, Hans Heinrich: Musik verstehenMünchen: Piper,1995. - ISBN: 4-492-03736-4Schwarz-Reiflingen, Erwin: Musik-ABCUniversallexikon für Musikfreunde und Rundfunkhörer2. edition Stuttgart: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft,1949.Hall, Donald E.: Musikalische AkustikEin HandbuchMainz: Schott Verlag,2008. - ISBN: 978-3-7957-8737-0Hoffmann, E. T. A: Musikalische NovellenWiesbaden: Insel-Verlag,In Gothic print and hard to read.Houben, Eva-Maria: Musikalische Praxis als LebensformSinnfindung und Wirklichkeitserfahrung beim MusizierenBielefeld: transcrpt,2018. - ISBN: 978--8376-4199-8Lipsius, Marie: Musikalische Studienköpfe11. edition Kindle eBooks,1913.Free eBook edition by Kindle of the printed version by Breitkopf and Härtel of the year 1913. There is much weight on the compositions and each biography is followed by a complete list of all works (dated of course 1913).
A more detailed information on this Ebook is given in German on the blog.Korn, Peter Jona: Musikalische UmweltverschmutzungPolemische Variationen über ein unerquickliches Thema3. edition Edition Breitkopf,1981. - ISBN: 3-7651-0085-4Eibach, Martin: Musikalisches Lernen in der Ensemblearbeit mit erwachsenen LaienEin Beitrag zu einer musikpädagogischen Theorie musikalischen Lernens in der Lebensspanne1. edition Augsburg: Wissner Verlag,2003. - ISBN: 3-89639-410-XSchmidt, Felix: Musiker PortraitsImpressionen aus den Werkstätten von Komponisten und Interpreten1. edition Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe,1984. - ISBN: 3-455-08676-4Beci, Veronika: Musiker und Mächtige2001. - ISBN: 3-538-07126-8Rolland, Romain: Musiker von heuteMünchen: Georg Müller,1927.Schaper, Heinz-Christian: Musikform compactFormenlehre - Analysen - ÜbungenMainz: Schott Verlag,1982. - ISBN: 3-7957-2336-1Schaper, Heinz-Christian: Musikgeschichte compactTeil 1: Von den Anfängen bis zur Bachzeit3. edition Mainz: Schott Verlag,1993. - ISBN: 3-7957-2381-7Mersmann, Hans: Musikhören2. edition Kassel: Bärenreiter,1973. - ISBN: 3-7618-0409-1Von+historischen+und+klassischen+Instrumenten+bis+zur+Instrumentierung+f%fcr+Volksmusik%2c+Rock%2c+Pop%2c+Jazz+und+Neue+Musik1998. - ISBN: 3-932131-41-XSchaper, Heinz-Christian: Musikinstrumente compactMainz: Schott Verlag,2001. - ISBN: 3-7957-2384-1Eine Enzyklopädie mit über 4000 IllustrationenGütersloh: Prisma,1981. - ISBN: 3-570-05576-0Band 2: BlasinstrumenteKassel: Bärenreiter,1982. - ISBN: 3-4230-4388-1Bundesverband der Dt. Musikinstrumenten-Hersteller, : Musikinstrumente made in Germany1. edition1981. - ISBN: 3-9800582-0-4Kolneder, Walter: MusikinstrumentenkundeEin Studien- und Prüfungshelfer5. edition Heinrichshofen,1979. - ISBN: 3-7959-0159-6Roller, Ernst: Musikpflege und Musikerziehung in der Reichsstadt HeilbronnHeilbronn: Stadtarchiv Heilbronn,1970.Das neue HandbuchReinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag,2008. - ISBN: 978 3 499 55661 8Hempel, Gunter: Musikstadt Leipzig3. edition Leipzig: VEB Deutscher Verlag für Musik,1979. - ISBN: 3-370-00080-6The instrument - the performer - the music9. edition Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press,- ISBN: 0-89672-285-6A very beautiful edition, including all addendi and an index. After reading only a few pages you already feel, that this was written by someone who loves flutes. After a short history of the flute and a description of different members of the flute family, there is a collection of all kinds of findings bearing reference to the flute some how (newspaper clippings, ethnology, about anything you can think of).Written in a chattily style, more entertaining than teaching. Quite exhilarant. As part of the more than 160 pages of elaborate biographies the author sometimes gives his own impression of the flutists he heard himself or reports of contemporaries. In the short biographies are many contemporaries of him included, which are no longer known today. Especially their publications are interesting.The chapter on flute music is full of interesting composers and works by composers from the first half of the twentieth century in America. Those are no longer known in Germany today.Fries, Susan: My Teacher - Remembering Marcel MoyseBloomington: AuthorHouse,2007. - ISBN: 978-1-4259-8908-8