Title starting with A
- 4. edition Alfred Publishing Co.,2009. - ISBN: 0-931200-69-5Elaborate register of repertoire for the flute. On the first level sorted by instrumentation, the bigger groups are further detailed by the level of difficulty. Additional chapters describe the sources of the register, the editors and editions and an index of composers. an extended description of the book in German is to be found in the Blog.
- James, Wiliam Nelson: A word or two on the flute3. edition Trowbridge: Redwood Burn Ltd.,1982. - ISBN: 0-946113 00 9
- Braun, Peter: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatete111. edition Western International Music,- ISBN: 111
- van den Hoogen, Eckhardt: ABC der klassischen MusikDie großen Komponisten und ihre WerkeFrankfurt: Eichborn Verlag,2002. - ISBN: 3-8218-3961-9
- Brüderlin, René: Akustik für MusikerEine Einführung4. edition Regensburg: Gustav Bosse Verlag,1990. - ISBN: 3 7649 2154 4
- Talbot, Martin: Albinoni1980. - ISBN: 3-8566-2006-0
- Riemann, Hugo: Allgemeine MusiklehreHandbuch der Musik9. edition Berlin: Max Hesses Verlag,1922.
- Bosse, Gustav: Almanach der Deutschen Musikbücherei auf das Jahr 1923Regensburg: Gustav Bosse Verlag,1923.
- Jansen, Monika: Alte MusikinstrumenteStuttgart: Parkland,1979. - ISBN: 3-88059-140-0Small and thin book with coloured photographies. Flutes are not in it.
- Rahsaan+Roland+Kirk%2c+Eric+Dolphy%2c+Jack+Kevorkian%2c+Lenny+Hambro%2c+Dave+Liebman%2c+Yusef+Lateef%2c+Henry+Threadgill2010. - ISBN: 978-1-155-92774-9
- Kaiser, Ulrich: Arrangieren und InstrumentierenBarock bis Pop2. edition Kassel: Bärenreiter,2009. - ISBN: 978-3-7618-1662-2Including a cd with played and written examples as well as worksheets
- Tappolet, Willy: Arthur HoneggerZürich: Atlantis Musikbuch Verlag,1954.
- Busch, Fritz: Aus dem Leben eines MusikersBerlin: Henschelverlag,1978.Autobiography of the conductor Fritz Busch. At the same time a vivid picture of German society and musical life during and between the two wars is drawn. To me he seemed to be a nice guy, living and working more for music than for his own fame. A detailed discussion of the book in German is to be found on the Blog.